When You Don’t Know What to Pursue.
I'm starting to wonder if there is ever a time in our lives when we don't feel stuck in some capacity. Stuck in a house, stuck in a relationship, stuck in a job, stuck in a decision, stuck in a season. I do believe, that if we are open to it, stuck is full of those life lessons you just can't get anywhere else.
Feeling stuck is a tug on our hearts that something isn't aligned, and that some sort of action is needed.
But where do you start when stuck becomes your anthem? It took me 40 years to figure that out; you start with you. I have learned the hard way that no one else is coming to save you and you are solely responsible for your dreams being pursued and your life improving. Change does not happen externally, but within the boundaries of your skin.
"When you don't know what to pursue, pursue yourself. Pursue becoming the happiest, healthiest, most-healed, more present, most confident version of yourself. Then the right path will reveal itself."
I walked through life searching for one external fix after another. Not only is it costly in a financial sense, but the ongoing ride of feeling hopeful, like you finally found it, then the inevitable crash of hope lost; it takes a toll.
It wasn't until I was willing to release the expectations and ideals I'd carried for years - allowing myself to run wholeheartedly toward my true self - the I could finally come up for air. I like to think of it as the Great Undoing, a journey I am still on.
Here is a bit of truth for you: You have something to give, something to offer, that no one else on this earth has, truly. You are needed. You are extraordinary. You are meant for so much more than you could ever imagine.
Whether it be a book, an online course, a good cry, that conversation you've been putting off for a long time, time away, stepping out of your comfort zone, scheduling an appointment with a therapist, moving your body, taking that course, whatever your heart has been nudging you towards - start there. It will lead you to the next nudge, and then the ripple effect from there will change your life.
Keep going; we need you.
With genuine love and care,
P.S. One of these is meant for you. 🌤️